Mag. Margit Weichselbraun Mag. Margit Weichselbraun

Mag. Margit Weichselbraun

The fascinating world of micronutrients and emotional health topics is a great passion of the post-graduate nutritionist. The zealous wordsmith skillfully puts together contributions from various scientific sources, explaining complex topics in easily accessible terms. She is also a dedicated mum to two children.

Published articles
Fitness and Health
Most published category
Allergies - causes and natural remedies

Allergies - causes and natural remedies

Sneezing, colds, itching. If the body’s defences are launching bombs and grenades at something completely harmless, we could be in the middle of an allergy – including collateral damage. But what exactly is an allergy? And what are its causes?
Magnesium takes the wind out of the sails of high blood pressure

Magnesium takes the wind out of the sails of high blood pressure

High blood pressure (hypertension) is widespread. Nevertheless, many people only learn about their disease by chance. High blood pressure is not painful. In fact, just the opposite! Many sufferers even feel full of energy and fit. Nonetheless, the...
Gut remediation: from bowel cleansing to bowel reconstruction

Gut remediation: from bowel cleansing to bowel reconstruction

Do you also want to reboot your body physically? Perhaps this is because of a period of doing nothing, a New Year’s resolution, a promise for Lent or just a spontaneous decision. What could be better than restoring the status quo of your no. 1...

Resilience: 5 tips to support mental resilience

Resilient people are better at climbing out of difficult or stressful situations. Where other people may stand at the brink of the abyss and say, “I can’t go on any more”, these “human roly-poly toys” demonstrate their inner strength:...
Relieve stress - 7 tips to combat stress

Relieve stress - 7 tips to combat stress

Stress is not merely a descriptor of our society, but a well-perceived truth. According to a study, 75% of all German professionals are under stress ranging from sometimes to often. But what exactly is stress, what causes it and what strategies are...

Better sleep with these strategies and tips for rest at night

Do you have problems falling asleep at night and do you roll around in bed for hours? Once you’ve named every sheep you really should look around for suitable strategies to bring an end to your insomnia. But how do you find peace and sleep? Here...
Iron: What vegetarians and vegans should definitely know

Iron: What vegetarians and vegans should definitely know

When asked about a top source of iron, meat usually comes to mind. So it is not entirely surprising that plant-based diets enjoy the dubious reputation of supplying the body with too little iron. But are vegetarians and vegans really predestined for...

Iron deficiency due to menstrual periods

Did you know that women on average menstruate the equivalent of seven years of their lives and in the course of this, lose up to 30 litres of blood? Impressive numbers – and yet most women still have the feeling that it is taboo for the effects of...

Concentrate please! Focus and performance aids and tips

Our brains do great things every day. Still, it is not always easy for the brain to stay focused amongst the myriad attractions of everyday life. Find out which tips and tricks you can use to hone your concentration and which nutrients are the best...

Cystitis - recognising causes and prevention

Urinary tract infections are a burning issue - in every sense of the word. But the good news is, with the appropriate precautions, they are preventable! Here you can find out which precautions you should be taking and why men aren’t immune to this...
Discontinuing the pill: Tips and what to consider

Discontinuing the pill: Tips and what to consider

Although it is considered one of the safest contraceptives, many women consider stopping the pill. The reasons are diverse, sometimes just a gut feeling. But what side effects can discontinuation lead to? And what should be considered?

OPC - A gift of nature from cores and shells

What do grape seeds, green tea and pomegranate have in common? They are all brimming with special substances that naturally occur in plants and are abbreviated as OPCs. Today we would like to reveal the characteristics of these valuable plant...
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