Woman's health

Women provide and give so much and often forget that they are also allowed to receive. Micronutrients specifically tailored to the respective phase of life can support women where needed and contribute to them making the best of themselves and their lives.

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Women's Health

Whether it’s supplying your body with the right micronutrients when you’re on the pill, ensuring well-being during menopause, or supporting mucous membrane function in the female urogenital system, there are some topics that have an especial impact for women and some nutrients are especially geared to boosting women’s well-being.

From childhood to old age, female sex hormones shape women’s physical development and their well-being. The power of sex hormones becomes more noticeable at many stages of a woman’s life. For example, many girls will be familiar with the effects of puberty on their skin. The menstrual cycle can cause a number of physical and emotional changes. And the menopause is frequently a time of palpable hormonal upheaval. Hormonal balance has a strong influence on women’s health and well-being, at every stage of their lives.

From childhood to old age, female sex hormones shape women’s physical development and their well-being. The power of sex hormones becomes more noticeable at many stages of a woman’s life. For example, many girls will be familiar with the effects of puberty on their skin. The menstrual cycle can cause a number of physical and emotional changes. And the menopause is frequently a time of palpable hormonal upheaval. Hormonal balance has a strong influence on women’s health and well-being, at every stage of their lives.

99 percent of male and female genes are identical. The crucial 1% that are different are responsible for controlling the body’s hormonal balance and for our sex hormones, and thus have a strong impact on our health.

What do young women need?

Menstrual cycle

Whether we are able to deal with problems with ease or are quickly annoyed by them depends largely on our inner cycle clock. Appetite, fitness, appearance, sexual radiation, and much more are influenced by the hormone cocktail, which is remixed daily. The monthly cycle in a woman's life takes up to 400 times. This makes it the most important pacemaker in the female body immediately after the sleep rhythm and is reflected in both physical and emotional well-being.

In order to bring a certain amount of lightness to the days prior to menstruation, certain micronutrients should be strongly encouraged for women. Vitex agnus castus (monk's pepper, chaste tree), which maintains physiological well-being during the menstrual cycle, is particularly relevant. Vitamin B6 also supports the hormonal balance of women by helping to regulate hormonal activity.

Iron for women

Although iron was fully on trend in the 1970s and 80s, it has been outranked by other health hypes in recent years. Nonetheless, a lack of iron continues to have relevance worldwide. Iron is considered an incredibly versatile substance for health. Iron deficiency plays a major role not only for young women during menstruation.

Women who are expecting a baby, breastfeeding, exercising regularly, eating strictly plant-based diets, or dieting to lose weight should also keep an eye on their iron supply. Because anyone who wants to be able to cope with the demands of daily life needs enough iron. Iron is the most common trace element in the body at two to four grams and is part of the red blood pigment hemoglobin. Accordingly, iron has a strong influence on oxygen transport. But iron is also essential for energy management, the immune system, and cell division. Correct iron balance therefore forms the basis for well-being, energy, and performance.

Product recommendation: MoFerrin® 21

Masterpiece Pregnancy & Lactation

Pregnancy is probably one of nature's greatest miracles. If you ask Google, you can guess what a broad spectrum of changes "the other circumstances" bring. Once again, hormones are at the helm of this physical and emotional upheaval. Their "dance" begins as soon as the egg is fertilized. They cause no stone to be left unturned. With the growing fetus, the female body rebuilds itself again. New life is created.

Although a recipe for the perfect pregnancy has not yet been invented, a healthy diet and a balanced lifestyle form the basis for the mother-child relationship. The mother’s nutrient requirements are increased by up to 100% during pregnancy. More than ever, attention should now be paid to the supply of vitamins, minerals, and trace elements. The mother’s lifestyle and diet decisively determine how the unborn child's growth and physical and mental development progress. The nutrient requirement also remains high later, during breastfeeding – the quality of the breast milk is directly related to the mother's diet.

Folic acid is particularly important for women during pregnancy. However, women should already pay attention to their folic acid status when planning a baby.

Tailor-made dietary supplements provide pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and women who want children (here particularly important: folic acid!) with the most important vitamins and trace elements. Nutritional experts also recommend the omega-3 fatty acid DHA to mothers and breastfeeding women, which contributes to the normal development of the eyes and brain in the fetus and breastfed infant. For this to have a real effect, an intake of at least 200 mg DHA is required in addition to the recommended amount of 250 mg omega-3 fatty acids daily via the mother’s diet.

What do older women need?


In the middle of life, the hormonal dance is re-choreographed. Researchers once thought that about 200 hormones coordinate our bodily functions, today we believe this is over 1,000. Many of these chemical messenger substances decline in the middle of life – but none of them confuses us as noticeably as those of the sex hormones (estrogen or testosterone). The reason for this is, on the one hand – especially in women – their relatively abrupt decline, and, on the other hand, their enormous influence on our bodies. In this way, sex hormones characterize our identity, our feelings, actions, and thinking. In addition, they are also involved in many other life processes – such as bone metabolism or fat metabolism. So it’s no wonder that many women experience a roller coaster of emotions and alternating well-being during menopause – characterized by individual challenges such as mood swings, sweating, or sleep problems.

Exercise, a positive attitude towards life, and the right nutrients or plant extracts can help you to get through this phase of life well. Wild yam root has a long tradition as a supplement during menopause. Yam extract supports women during menopause by contributing to the reduction of menopausal symptoms – such as hot flushes, sweating, and restlessness. Vitex agnus-castus and Vitamin B6 also contribute to the female hormone balance in this phase and support the hormonal harmony of women.

Blog: Wild yams - a women´s remedy View Product: Yams Balance

Bones and osteoporosis

Although they appear rigid and motionless, bones are not dead matter. As living tissue, they are in a constant remodelling phase throughout life. Depending on age, the processes of formation or degradation predominate. Bone density usually reaches its maximum value between the ages of 30 and 35. After that, the degradation processes predominate. The hormonal changes over the years can put female bones to the test because the loss of bone mass after menopause increases from 1 % to up to 4 % per year due to the drop in oestrogen levels.

Without question, stable bones are a long-term project whose foundations are laid at a young age. Nevertheless, every woman should take care of her supporting apparatus now at the latest. A nutrient-rich, alkaline diet with lots of fresh ingredients (especially fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds) paired with special attention to a sufficient vitamin D supply all year round - i.e. moderate sunbathing in the light season, vitamin D substitution in the dark season or the case of infrequent sunbathing - is the basis for stable bones into old age.

Tailor-made dietary supplements can also help to fill up on the right micronutrients - above all calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D and vitamin K. In addition, regular exercise should be part of the programme, because only under stress can the minerals from food be incorporated into the bone structures.

Being a woman made easy – these vitamins, minerals, and plant extracts offer support

Women are exposed to numerous challenges every day. Many women juggle work, family, and leisure time, which requires strength and attention. Backing and support are always welcome – not only from the outside, but also from the inside. Vitamins, minerals, and plant extracts can support women in every phase of womanhood and help them master the daily challenges. Those who are well supplied with these can cope with everyday life to the full and embrace any situation.

Seals of Quality