Yams are a beloved staple food in many tropical countries. Here in the West, standardized extracts of wild yams are also a secret remedy for women's health. Read on to learn more about this traditional tuber's benefits.
What are wild yams?
The wild yam (Dioscorea villosa) is a species of twining, tuberous vine with heart-shaped leaves, which can grow up to seven meters high. This leafy crop also forms thick rhizomes underground, which store the plant's valuable nutrients.
Where do wild yams come from?
Wild yams originally come from the Atlantic coast of North and Central America. In their natural environment, these plants favor humid locations along lakes and rivers, and in marshes, although they also grow in forests and shrublands.
What nutrients and properties do yams offer?
Yams are an important staple crop in many West African and South American countries. Their nutritional properties vary according to species and where they are grown, although all tubers generally have a high starch content. In addition to being a good source of fiber, they also contain many important micronutrients, such as vitamin C, several B vitamins, potassium, zinc and copper.
Yam root extract is also a popular nutritional supplement. For centuries, indigenous women in Northern and Central Europe have prized wild yams. In fact, these tubers do have naturally high levels of diosgenin – a phytochemical that closely resembles the human hormone progesterone, which explains the use of this extract in women's health. Because during menopause, life for many women often feels like a wild, other-directed roller coaster ride - ups and downs often express themselves in hot flashes or restlessness. Balance is the gentle magic in this phase of life.
How is yam root extract used?
Wild yam extract should be taken at mealtimes with plenty of liquids.
What is the correct dosage?
Taking 600mg of yam root extract daily (96mg of diosgenin) has shown positive results – or take as recommended by your physician or therapist.
How does Biogena source yams?
The quality of yams picked in the wild can vary. That's why Biogena sources its wild yam extract from specialized farms. The yam extract is standardized to contain 16% diosgenin and is subject to strict quality controls – including by independent third parties. Put through its paces, you can be sure that our preparation is only available in the usual best Biogena quality and thus provides the necessary balance.
V. Ajdžanović et al. 2017.Diosgenin-caused changes of the adrenal gland histological parameters in a rat model of the menopause. Acta Histochemica, Bd. 119, Nr. 1, S. 48–56, Jan. 2017.
K. Lok Wong et al. 2015. A Novel, Stable, Estradiol-Stimulating, Osteogenic Yam Protein with Potential for the Treatment of Menopausal Syndrome, Sci Rep, Bd. 5, Juli 2015.
Wu, W. H. et al. 2005. Estrogenic effect of yam ingestion in healthy postmenopausal women. J Am Coll Nutr. 24(4):235-243.
Komesaroff, P. A. et al. 2001. Effects of wild yam extraction on menopausal symptoms, lipids and sex hormones in healthy menopausal women. Climacteric. 4(2):144-50.
Yen, M. L. et al. 2005. Diosgenin induces hypoxia-inducible factor-1 activation and angiogenesis through estrogen receptor-related phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways in osteoblasts. Mol Pharmacol. 68(4):1061-73.
Biogena Mikronährstoffcoach. https://www.mikronaehrstoffcoach.com/de/at/mikronaehrstoffe/micronutrient.yams.html, Accessed: Feb. 2021.
Pflanzenforschung.de, Accessed: Feb. 2021.