Building block for the body. As one of the essential amino acids, lysine is indispensable for maintaining our body’s function. It is essential for all growth processes in our body.

Lysine – vital amino acid
Lysin ist eine der acht essenziellen Aminosäuren. Essenzielle Aminosäuren können nicht von unserem Körper gebildet werden, sondern müssen durch die Nahrung aufgenommen werden. Lysin ist zugleich der Gegenspieler zu Arginin, das in bestimmten Wachstumsphasen wichtig ist.
L-lysine was discovered as a component of casein as early as 1889. Animal protein is one of the sources in which lysine is abundant. But legumes and seeds also contain L-lysine. Lysine is also found in small quantities in cereals. However, its occurrence in plant-based food is barely sufficient, especially since plant-based proteins are poorly utilized by our bodies.
Bone, muscle, and connective tissue structure
Lysine is required for the biosynthesis of proteins. The role of L-lysin as a counterpart to L-arginine is essential. The relationship between the two should remain in balance. This balance can be shifted by a one-sided or unfavorable diet. The balance between the amino acids is altered. L-lysine in the form of dietary supplements can therefore contribute to a functioning amino acid balance, especially in special life situations such as growth, age, or convalescence.
Building material lysine
Another important task for our bodily functions is fulfilled by lysine. It is involved in the formation of the following proteins, which in turn have important functions:
- Haemoglobin
- Lipoproteins
- Transferrin
- Albumin
Lysine – new studies
The tasks of lysine are considerable. A balanced intake of this amino acid via food or dietary supplement is therefore important. Excess lysine is excreted via the kidneys. Only a longer-term, massively excessive intake could have side effects on kidney function, among other things.
New studies are investigating whether lysine, as an important building block of the amino acids, can bring health benefits – for example, specifically changing the arginine level to the benefit of the test subjects.
Lysine in food
The following foods and their lysine content (values refer to 100 grams of food):
Beef, raw | 1797 mg |
Salmon, raw | 1870 mg |
Peas | 1772 mg |
Rice, wholegrain | 303 mg |
Cow's milk 3.7% fat | 260 mg |
The daily requirement for adults is 38 mg of lysine per kilogram of body weight. Children, adolescents, and pregnant women are estimated to have a higher need.