
Want to learn more about BIOGENA and the multifaceted world of micronutrients and expand your health knowledge? In our blog, you will not only find exciting contributions to the topic of vitamins and minerals, etc., we will also keep you informed on an ongoing basis about the latest news from research and summarise study results briefly and comprehensibly.


Fascia training: How to loosen tight fascia with the roll

The hype around fasciae is not only widespread in professional sports, connective tissue fibres are also being rolled away in living rooms by means of a roll made out of hard foam today. With the right „roll-out“, back pain and cellulitis no...

Why am I constantly tired?

“Wakey, wakey Sleeping Beauty! A new day is waiting for you!” Despite the loving wake-up call, you can hardly manage to crawl out of bed. You’re tired, you drag yourself to the coffee machine to try and shake up your mind that’s still in...
Maskne: When the skin is irritated by wearing masks

Maskne: When the skin is irritated by wearing masks

The neologism maskne – a combination of “mask” and “acne” – is the new buzz word in the world of cosmetics. While wearing a mask over your mouth and nose prevents coronaviruses and other pathogens from entering the body, the frequent...
Falling pregnant:tips for women and men on how to achieve baby bliss

Getting pregnant: Advice for men and women trying for a baby

Home, job, partner - once the key cornerstones of life have been achieved, many people feel it is the perfect time to complete their happiness with a child. However, not everything in life always runs according to plan. The desire to have children...

Nutritional trend: Sirtfood

Sirtuins are the “MacGyvers” of enzymes. They help organisms to streamline their metabolism so that they can withstand adverse conditions. But what does this enzyme family actually have to do with our internal energy supply? And how can we...

Forest bathing: Welcome to the healing world of trees!

A hint of moss, the rustling of leaves, fresh leaf green. If you long for peace and relaxation in your life, you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the forest. Bathing between woody plants is not only balm for body, soul and spirit, it also...

Cholesterol: Bogeyman or little helper?

The fat-like substance itself is not bad in itself, it is even vital for our body. So when does cholesterol become a problem? And what about the two cholesterol levels – the “good” and “bad” cholesterol? We would like to clarify this.

Cortisol – A Closer Look at the Stress Hormone

Cortisol is a double-edged sword: although this stress hormone is a crucial part of our defenses against stress, increased cortisol levels over a prolonged period of time can have negative impacts on our health. We answer the most important...

The melatonin effect – and how it helps us get to sleep

Melatonin – the sleep hormone that makes us “ready for bed” can be used as a food supplement before bed and is the ideal travel companion on holiday. You can find out what melatonin does, how it is best taken and much more in our blog.

Summer heat: How to cool down on hot days

We all want just one thing, when the sun is out: getting a fantastic tan and soaking up a sufficient amount of vitamin D for improving our mood and health. But no matter whether at the lake or when doing sports – sun and summer heat can be quite a...

Looking for omega-3; finding deficiencies

Not all fats are equal. In fact, the quality, composition and ratio of the fatty acids we ingest play a crucial role. Particular focus should be placed on the two essential omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA.
Studies: Iron and vitamin B12 supplements help optimize the nutrient profile of a vegetarian diet

Studies: Iron and vitamin B12 supplements help optimize the nutrient profile of a vegetarian diet

(Almost) everyone agrees that a plant-based diet offers certain health benefits. In the case of some of the more restrictive vegetarian diets, however, it is advisable to pay special attention to ensuring an adequate supply of nutrients. This has...