
Want to learn more about BIOGENA and the multifaceted world of micronutrients and expand your health knowledge? In our blog, you will not only find exciting contributions to the topic of vitamins and minerals, etc., we will also keep you informed on an ongoing basis about the latest news from research and summarise study results briefly and comprehensibly.


Glow coffee – scientifically proven effects or beauty lies?

On social media you can hardly ignore the trend: Glow coffee – coffee enriched primarily with collagen, but also with other beauty nutrients, which enjoys great popularity as a “beauty coffee”. It is designed to bring a fresh glow to your face...
Antioxidants for cell protection

What are antioxidants? Effect & occurrence

Antioxidants are substances that protect against free radicals and a great deal is known about them. In the following, you will learn more about these substances, which are also known as free radical scavengers, and where they can be found in food.
Woman who knows her daily iron requirement

Daily iron requirement: How much iron should you take each day?

Iron is an essential trace element that plays a central role in our health. It supports the formation of red blood cells and ensures that our bodies are supplied with sufficient oxygen. But how much iron do we need every day, and how can we ensure...
Iron intake

Recommended iron intake: How and when is it best to take iron?

Iron is a vital, essential trace element that plays a central role in our body – from oxygen supply to energy production. A lack of iron can therefore cause a variety of health symptoms. But when and how should you take iron to optimise absorption...
ZMA - meaning, effect & application

ZMA – significance, effect & application for athletes

For athletes looking to optimise their performance, supplements are becoming increasingly important. ZMA, a popular product among athletes, offers numerous benefits. But what exactly is ZMA, how does it affect the body, and for whom does a...
Woman who takes collagen for her joints

Collagen for joints: The key to healthy cartilage and bones

Joint pain and degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritis affect many people, especially with advancing age. Collagen is one of the most important proteins for the health of joints, cartilage and bones. It represents the basic framework for the...
Couple well-supplied with iodine

Iodine – The trace element with a great effect

Iodine is an essential trace element that plays a crucial role in our health. It is particularly important for the thyroid gland, which controls an abundance of bodily functions. In this paper, we examine the versatile effects of iodine and explain...
Biohacking Kälte

Biohacking - how to hack your body

Want to get your body and mind in top shape? A mixture of cutting-edge science and ancient practices makes it possible. Biohacking expert Daniel Donhauser shows you the most important biohacks & clarifies the questions of all questions: what is...

Ashwagandha – a closer look at the sleep berry

Ashwagandha, a member of the nightshade family, has numerous beneficial effects on the body. The sleep berry is used primarily to combat stress and to support vitality. Its popularity is growing in modern times as well. Here, the origin and health...

Iron deficiency: Causes, symptoms and what you can do

Iron deficiency is widespread worldwide and yet it is still misunderstood. It is estimated that more than 1.5 billion people suffer from iron deficiency, which slows them down physically and mentally in life. A blog about iron deficiency, causes and...
Couple that uses Maca

Superfood maca root: Effect on both men and women

Maca is considered a superfood and is becoming increasingly popular, both among men and women. The root of the maca plant is used as an extract in the form of powders or capsules as a dietary supplement. It is known for its health and overall...
Athlete well-supplied with Omega 3

Omega-3 in sports: natural performance boosters for athletes

Omega-3 can be essential for athletes who want to improve their performance naturally. This guide shows the benefits, correct dosage and optimal timing of omega-3 fatty acids for athletes.