
Micronutrients for the holiday

Camilla Freinek
from Camilla Freinek, BSc MSc
on 25.06.2024

This year too, holidays are a hot topic. Many popular holiday destinations can only be reached after a long journey. This often causes both physical and mental discomfort. The long periods of sitting still, the lack of movement and the lack of air humidity are a pain for many people. And the often early departure times for long car or train journeys disrupts your sleep rhythm. In addition, traffic jams darken the mood before the enjoyment of a holiday. But what can we do to arrive fit and well at our destination and to enjoy our holiday from the very first moment? We have some practical tips for your next trip and will show you why you should ensure sufficient micronutrient care before you start your holiday.

Holiday problems: Bowel strike

Who hasn’t experienced this? The anticipation of the holiday is huge, but hardly have you arrived at your destination, than your bowel goes on strike. Little exercise, a completely altered daily routine and unusual foods disrupt the digestive system. Certain measures are helpful to get the digestion used to the change. If your bowel is sluggish, the secret tip is: fibre. On the one hand, it is the nutritional basis of our intestinal bacteria and, on the other hand, it stimulates intestinal peristalsis by its swelling capacity. The following mantra also applies here: Drink, drink, drink! Adequate fluid intake in combination with light exercise – for example a walk on the beach before breakfast – and the bowel will soon start working again. 

It is recommended to prepare the digestive tract as well as possible before starting your journey. This is achieved above all by means of a healthy microbiome, i.e. those intestinal bacteria – such as bifido- and lactobacteria – that colonise our digestive tract and form the so-called intestinal flora. A high-fibre diet and sufficient fluid intake create the ideal conditions for balanced intestinal flora. 

In addition, you can use selected bacterial strains as preparation for a holiday, which are taken daily from about two weeks before the start of the trip. Bitter substances are also true digestive aids. As soon as our tongue perceives them, the production of gastric juices is boosted, thus promoting digestion, and the intestinal activity and liver metabolism are also stimulated.

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Lactic acid bacteria cultures from 10
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Holiday tips for the intestines:

  • Light food on the day before departure – so your bowel can start its holiday feeling relaxed. 
  • Drink a lot: you’ll do the whole body a favour with plenty of water or unsweetened herbal tea. 
  • Keep moving: if you drink a lot, you often have to go to the toilet. The circulatory and intestinal systems benefit from these short walks. 
  • Adapt to the destination: avoid tap water and ice cubes if necessary, avoid salads, peel raw fruit and vegetables and wash your hands as often as possible. 
  • Take it slowly: Using the first one to two holiday days to relax gives the body an opportunity to acclimatise. 
Organic bitter spray

18 perfectly balanced organic herbs and spices - ideal before a sumptuous meal.


Magnesium: Hot tip for your active holiday

Summer holidays means sweating. All the more so if you are an active holidaymaker and like to spend your days off on a mountain bike, hiking or other sports. Drinking plenty of fluids to compensate for fluid loss via sweat is particularly important. At the same time as the liquid, the body loses valuable minerals and trace elements – such as potassium, calcium, zinc and iron – which must be urgently replaced. Magnesium plays a special role in this, as it is indispensable for numerous functions in the body, but especially those in the musculoskeletal system. Magnesium is important for normal muscle functions and contributes to electrolyte balance. With the right mineral material, there’s nothing in the way of an extended mountain hike or a mountain bike tour.

Magnesium also has a property that is wonderful for a holiday. It supports the function of the nervous system and the mind. Anyone whose nerves are already frayed by the annual outbound traffic jam benefits twice as much from an extra dose of this valuable mineral. Have a good trip!

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Seven magnesium compounds, perfectly balanced and combined – with a broad solubility spectrum

Siebensalz® Magnesium
Siebensalz® Magnesium

Fit for the sun – sun without regrets

Sun, beach and sea – for many people this describes the ideal trip. Sun-kissed skin is your favourite holiday souvenir. But direct sunlight and heat also mean stress for the body and especially the skin. Antioxidant vitamins are able to protect the skin from oxidative stress from sunlight.

You want to know more about it? Click here for the article:

Natural skin protection from the inside
Astaxanthin 4mg

The carotenoid from Austrian algae cultivation

Astaxanthin 4mg
Astaxanthin 4mg

Jet lag greets you

Vacation time is often used to recharge your batteries; relaxing and sleeping in is the order of the day, if it weren't for this unpleasant companion: jet lag!

When we cross several time zones, our internal clock can get quite out of sync, which often makes us feel overtired, weak and unfocused. An insider tip for alleviating the subjective feeling of jet lag is melatonin. For this purpose, at least 0.5 mg melatonin (= 2 drops) should be taken on the first day of travel and on the first days after arrival, shortly before going to bed.

Melatonin drops

The help to fall asleep faster and reduce jet lag.

Melatonin drops
Melatonin Tropfen

Summer heat: Tips for cooling off on hot days

In this article, we reveal our tips for hot summer days: How can I tan healthily with Skingood? What do I need to be aware of during exercise in the midsummer? And what actually helps against the heavy legs during the summer heat? 

Read more

Ready for take-off – a good start to your holiday

Have you planned a flight? It is particularly important to ensure sufficient fluid intake when flying. Even though many airlines have a large selection of alcoholic beverages, water should be the drink of choice. As a rule of thumb, passengers should drink at least one glass of water per hour during a flight. And a frequent flyer trick: Bring an empty refillable bottle on board and ask staff to fill it. So you are well supplied even during longer service breaks. In order not to impose additional strain on the metabolism, you can choose the vegetarian menu – this is usually much lighter than meat dishes and thus less stress on the intestines.

It is recommended to wear loose trousers and comfortable shoes during the flight that do not impair blood flow. Make sure that you get up at least once per flight hour and move your legs while sitting down. 

Water-soluble tomato concentrates, which are best taken before the start of the trip, are particularly popular support for the circulation of flights and long seated periods. They are available as patented tomato extracts (WSTC I and II) and help maintain normal platelet aggregation, which contributes to a healthy blood flow. The positive effect is achieved with a daily consumption of 3 g WSTC I or 150 mg WSTC II together with a glass of water or another liquid.

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Unique special tomato extract (Fruitflow®), combined with valuable extracts from aronia berries and grape seeds

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ThromboPhenol® 150/50 Gold
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