
Want to learn more about BIOGENA and the multifaceted world of micronutrients and expand your health knowledge? In our blog, you will not only find exciting contributions to the topic of vitamins and minerals, etc., we will also keep you informed on an ongoing basis about the latest news from research and summarise study results briefly and comprehensibly.


Iron deficiency due to menstrual periods

Did you know that women on average menstruate the equivalent of seven years of their lives and in the course of this, lose up to 30 litres of blood? Impressive numbers – and yet most women still have the feeling that it is taboo for the effects of...
In search of libido

In search of libido: Sexual reluctance in women & men

Hanna and Moritz were on cloud nine. They had just recently met through mutual friends and could hardly keep their hands off each other. But as everyday life became more pressing the fire of passion gradually cooled. The end of the world? No, often...

Concentrate please! Focus and performance aids and tips

Our brains do great things every day. Still, it is not always easy for the brain to stay focused amongst the myriad attractions of everyday life. Find out which tips and tricks you can use to hone your concentration and which nutrients are the best...

Cystitis - recognising causes and prevention

Urinary tract infections are a burning issue - in every sense of the word. But the good news is, with the appropriate precautions, they are preventable! Here you can find out which precautions you should be taking and why men aren’t immune to this...
Discontinuing the pill: Tips and what to consider

Discontinuing the pill: Tips and what to consider

Although it is considered one of the safest contraceptives, many women consider stopping the pill. The reasons are diverse, sometimes just a gut feeling. But what side effects can discontinuation lead to? And what should be considered?

Healthy vs unhealthy fats: The differences between saturated and unsaturated fatty acids

Despite what you may have heard, fats are one of the key nutrients that our bodies need to function. Fat only becomes a problem when we eat too much of it. In any case, what’s important is to pay attention to the types of fats we eat.

OPC - A gift of nature from cores and shells

What do grape seeds, green tea and pomegranate have in common? They are all brimming with special substances that naturally occur in plants and are abbreviated as OPCs. Today we would like to reveal the characteristics of these valuable plant...

Intermittent fasting - Win by losing

Less is often more, even when you're planning meals. Because, regardless of the underlying motive, voluntarily abstaining from food has amazing effects on our body. Under certain circumstances, systematic abstention can make the pounds or kilos melt...

Glutathione – a multi-level hero

Who has ever heard of glutathione? The body’s own vital substance is not only bursting with antioxidant elan, it also plays a key role in detoxification. However, most people do not know about glutathione. Time to change this!

PMS: The days before your menstrual period

Why is it that yesterday you were completely at ease with yourself and the world and today everything is completely upside down? You hate your face in the mirror, your bra pinches, chocolate is irresistable – and your partner is also getting on...

Oil pulling: Natural tooth cleaning & detoxification

Oil pulling has experienced a boom in recent years and is currently on everyone's lips. This principle is not new. But what is this health and beauty ritual precisely and to what extent does it affect the immune system?

Oxidative stress – how it happens and how to reduce it

What causes tomatoes to rot, flowers to wilt, our skin to age? The answer is – the oxidative processes that take place in the presence of oxygen. While oxidation is part of life, like the air we breathe, if oxidising substances get out of hand,...