
Want to learn more about BIOGENA and the multifaceted world of micronutrients and expand your health knowledge? In our blog, you will not only find exciting contributions to the topic of vitamins and minerals, etc., we will also keep you informed on an ongoing basis about the latest news from research and summarise study results briefly and comprehensibly.


Magnesium for the psyche

Winter. The days are getting shorter, and the never-ending nights weigh heavily on the spirit. But you don’t have to give in to melancholy. It often does not take much to restore your soul and reclaim everyday life with a smile. A recent study...
Study: Relaxed instead of stressed thanks to Ashwagandha

Study: Relaxed instead of stressed thanks to Ashwagandha

For thousands of years, Ayurvedic herbology has been using Ashwagandha to vitalise and support the body’s own powers. TResearchers have also recently shown interest in the winter cherry or sleeping berry, as Ashwagandha has been called.

Natural born heroes

People around the world have always explored and studied their natural environments in order to be able to use selected wild plants, such as herbs, berries, and mushrooms, specifically for their own purposes. We too are fascinated by the repertoire...
Overview study: Vitamin D in short supply among overweight children

Overview study: Vitamin D in short supply among overweight children

Overweight children have a tough time: not only are they teased by their peers, they also run a higher risk of contracting diseases that normally only affect adults. On top of that, a recent study has now shown that they also have lower vitamin D...

Movement and sirtuins: A way to youthful fitness

In humans, ageing is accompanied by a decrease in fitness. Is there a connection between fitness and sirtuin activity? According to a scientific review published in June 2019: yes.

Study: Speed-eating causes weight gain in men

“Eating fast makes you fat.” This long-held suspicion was finally confirmed by a large-scale Japanese study in early 2018. Another recent study now suggests that especially men can influence their body weight by regulating their eating speed.
Study: Even at low doses, herbal iron effectively builds up low iron stores

Study: Even at low doses, herbal iron effectively builds up low iron stores

Generations of women used to be aware of the importance of iron. In recent years, awareness of this trace element has been overshadowed by more popular nutritional issues. Nonetheless, iron continues to have global relevance – and not just for...

Sports nutrition – Between truth and myth

No issue polarises more than diet when it comes to fitness. Since everybody has a say (or rather: wants to have a say), normal discussions quickly turn into shoptalk, typical training colleagues into fervent supporters of a certain diet. Many who...
Dental health study: A winning smile thanks to vitamin D

Dental health study: A winning smile thanks to vitamin D

All it takes is a quick look at our clothes, posture, hair and, above all, our faces: the first impression we make on strangers – and their impression on us – is determined within just a few seconds. One important factor here is a beautiful,...

Study: Vitamin D for athletes – quite the power boost!

Like previous studies with seniors, a recent Austrian study with healthy amateur athletes shows: a sufficient intake of vitamin D supports muscle function. Click here for more information on the study from our series “Science news”.
Fit for spring – micronutrients as a valuable training tool

Fit for spring – micronutrients as a valuable training tool

It’s March. Nature is reawakening. Budding leaves and flowers as well as the first warming rays of sunshine herald the long-awaited spring. Not only the natural world is returning to life – we humans are also responding to rising temperatures...

Natural boosters for your immune system

Most of you know the classic additives to boost your immune system, such as zinc and vitamin C. But have you ever heard about cat's claw, neem and Astragalus? Find out more about these miracle plants in our latest blog!