Dr. Michael Kohlberger, BSc, MSc Dr. Michael Kohlberger, BSc, MSc

Dr. Michael Kohlberger, BSc, MSc

Michael Kohlberger is a scientist specialising in the field of medical biology. After spending several years working in the lab, he discovered his passion for scientific communication. As a member of the BIOGENA science team, he engages critically with the current study situation and also undertakes to convey the latest knowledge regarding health research in layman’s language.

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Thyroid - Butterfly
The thyroid gland – our energy manager
The human thyroid gland is a small organ a few centimetres in size, the two wings of which mould to the trachea in the area of the larynx. The characteristic name originates from the physicians of ancient Greece who recognised a shield (thyreoides =...
Man taking folic acid

Folic acid for men: Effect on fertility

Although folic acid is often associated with female health, recent studies show that this nutrient can also positively affect male fertility. In our article, we go into more detail about the importance of folic acid for men.

Blood pressure: Natural support tips

Do you already know your blood pressure? If not, you should have it checked as soon as possible. Because half of all people with high blood pressure are unaware of their silent condition. We show you which values are normal and how you can support...
Stimulate your circulation with these 9 tips

Stimulate your circulation with these 9 tips

Seen stars today? Then it’s time to get your circulation really up and running! Dust down your sneakers, water bottle to hand, and off we go with our natural tips to support your blood pressure.
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