Mag. Kristiina Singer, MSc Mag. Kristiina Singer, MSc

Mag. Kristiina Singer, MSc

Kristiina Singer specialises in clinical nutritional medicine. Her special interest focuses on the possibilities of functional nutrition and orthomolecular medicine. She has been part of the BIOGENA family since 2015, first as a scientific specialist at the BIOGENA Academy and later as an expert on the BIOGENA knowledge management team. Doctors, therapists and other parties concerned appreciate the calm and sunny way in which she shares her knowledge and experience in her lectures.

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Man with vitamin D deficiency
Vitamin D deficiency – under-supplied despite sunlight?
Sun rays that tickle our noses don’t just make our hearts sing. They also penetrate deep under the skin and provide us with a very special vital substance – the fat-soluble vitamin D. Vitamin D, however, is not a vitamin in the real sense. In...
Omega 3 deficiency

Omega-3 deficiency - No need to be afraid of fats

Omega-3 fatty acids keep our bodies in good shape. No wonder that a deficiency can become apparent in many different ways.
Thin, weak hair - what you can do to support your hair health

Thin, weak hair - what you can do to support your hair health

No matter how you twist and turn your hair, it’s part of you from root to tip. All the more reason why dull, weak, or thinning hair can lower our self-confidence.
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