Klaus Molidor

Klaus Molidor

Klaus Molidor has been reporting on professional and amateur sports for more than 20 years for daily and weekly newspapers, as well as magazines. He is himself a passionate marathon runner and delves deeply into all topics related to sports.

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L-arginine: Benefits, effect, intake, dosage & more
As inconspicuous as the amino acid L-arginine is, its potential effects are: faster muscle growth, accelerated fat burning and improved blood flow, which not only has a positive effect on the muscles, but also on the sexual organs. L-arginine is a...

L-carnitine: Effect, intake, dosage & more

Energy, strength, fat burning – everything that sports people strive for. In energy metabolism, there is a compound that is absolutely necessary for burning fat when exercising: L-carnitine. The vitamin-like compound has an effect on many other...

Protein – requirements, function and occurrence

Proteins are the most important building blocks of our body. It is no coincidence that the term ‘protein’ comes from the Greek word ‘proteios’, which means ‘fundamental, primary’. And indeed, proteins play a fundamental role in the human...
Well-provided female athlete

Eating before or after exercise? Which is better?

Is it better to eat before or after exercise? This cannot actually be answered in a general way, because both methods can be correct. Finally, it’s also about the time span that includes the “before” and the “after”. And it’s about the...
Regeneration is needed after exercise.

Regeneration after exercise: Information & tips for muscles etc.

It’s not just professionals who can train hard. Even amateur athletes often push themselves to their limits, put every spare minute into training and are constantly trying to improve. Keyword: Weekend Warriors. In other words, people who hardly...
Woman ill after sport

The open window effect explains: Why you get sick more easily after exercise

Open window, let fresh air in. Particularly during the time of the pandemic, regular ventilation was thought to reduce virus concentrations and thus to be beneficial to health. However, athletes have experience of the opposite to their cost – the...
Climbing to build muscle

Building muscle | Nutrition, supplements & training tips

For some people, just seeing a dumbbell seems enough for them to grow biceps and triceps. Others, however, toil away endlessly trying to get more muscular legs, a stronger chest or defined abdominal muscles. It is now known that it is a combination...
Woman with sore muscles

Everything about sore muscles and what helps prevent it

Not even the biggest fans of exercise are immune from muscle aches and pains. When our muscles ache, we really notice it. They can just complain discreetly in the background or make every movement significantly more difficult. The good news: Muscle...
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