
L-arginine: Benefits, effect, intake, dosage & more

Klaus Molidor
from Klaus Molidor
on 06.08.2024

As inconspicuous as the amino acid L-arginine is, its potential effects are: faster muscle growth, accelerated fat burning and improved blood flow, which not only has a positive effect on the muscles, but also on the sexual organs. L-arginine is a true sports superstar.

What is L-arginine?

The term refers to a non-essential amino acid that our body can also produce itself, among other things. However, if there is a greater need – such as in the case of injuries, burns or in growth phases – additional intake via food is necessary. A special feature of L-arginine is the high proportion of nitrogen. Our body needs this as a signalling agent to stimulate the blood vessels and thus also regulate blood pressure. In our food, L-arginine is present as a percentage of the various proteins. In contrast, the preparation BIOGENA L-arginine 600 allows the amino acid to be highly concentrated and supplied in its pure form.

Effect: What is L-arginine good for?

Muscle growth

L-arginine contributes to muscle growth in two ways. On the one hand, the amino acid is part of the muscle tissue and thus serves as a basic substance for growth and regeneration. On the other hand, it supplies the element nitrogen for the production of the signal substance nitrogen monoxide (NO). Nitrogen monoxide expands the blood vessels and stimulates blood circulation, allowing nutrients to be transported to muscle cells more quickly. This supports performance during training and muscle growth. In order to gain the best effect, take L-arginine half an hour before training.

Sexual health in men and women

The signalling agent nitrogen monoxide produced by L-arginine leads to better blood flow not only in the muscles, but also in the sexual organs. And especially in the sensitive tissues of our sexual organs, good blood flow is particularly important. In men, the improved circulation leads to a stimulation of the penile body, which supports the erectile function. In women, nitrogen monoxide contributes to blood flow to the uterus and ovaries, which can have a balancing effect on the hormones and support fertility.

High blood pressure

The aforementioned dilation of the blood vessels also helps to regulate blood pressure and counteract high blood pressure. Clinical studies show that taking L-arginine can significantly improve vascular function in people with high blood pressure.

Older people

Since the coronavirus pandemic and possibly before, it has been widely known that the performance of the immune system weakens with age. L-arginine can strengthen the immune system and positively influence the function of the cardiovascular system, the liver, kidneys and the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it may also be useful for elderly people to supplement L-arginine.

L-arginine in sport

In intensive training phases, there may be a deficit in the amino acid L-arginine and therefore performance may also decrease. If L-arginine is supplemented in a targeted manner during this time, performance can also increase again. A placebo-controlled double-blind study by the University of Exeter has shown that L-arginine can increase sporting performance by around 20 percent.

L-arginine deficiency

There are some other factors that require an increased need for L-arginine, which the body itself can no longer cover. In addition to high blood pressure or injuries, this also includes stress, heavy physical work and exercise.


The symptoms of a deficiency can be diverse and range from fatigue and weakness, to wound healing disorders and increased susceptibility to infection.

Daily requirement

The minimum daily requirement is stated as 2 to 5 g; during exercise and/or stress, it increases to around 8 g. Around 5 g per day can be absorbed from balanced mixed foods; plant-based diets reduce absorption. General preventive effects can be achieved by substitution of 0.5–1.5 g per day (more information on this can be found below under "Daily dose: How much L-arginine per day").

What foods contain L-arginine?

Seeds and nuts are particularly rich in arginine, while dairy products and fruit are rather low.  At the top of the list are pumpkin seeds and peanuts.


L-arginine content per 100 g

Pumpkin seeds

5137 mg


3460 mg


2750 mg

Soy beans

2360 mg


2250 mg


2240 mg


2030 mg


1740 mg


1540 mg

Chicken breast

1350 mg


1330 mg


1250 mg


1060 mg

Table: L-arginine contet in mg per 100 g

L-arginine intake via supplements & dosage

Time: When to take L-arginine

Arginine can be taken at any time of day and independently of meals. If strength training is planned, the optimal effect is achieved by taking it about 30 minutes before the workout. If it is necessary for tolerability, L-arginine can also be taken directly after a meal.

Daily dose: How much L-arginine should you take per day?

To ensure an optimal supply of L-arginine, an additional supply via a supplement is recommended. For general prevention, 0.5–1.5 g per day is sufficient.  2-3 g per day is recommended to support performance. Higher quantities should be divided into 2-3 doses to improve absorption.

How to take L-arginine

L-arginine is offered in powder form and in capsules. The latter are easier to take while you are on the go. Both pharmaceutical forms should be taken with sufficient liquid.

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L-Arginin 600

Take Maca and L-arginine together

Maca can increase energy and well-being, L-arginine promotes blood flow. Taking them at the same time could help to distribute the increased energy more efficiently in the body.

Taking magnesium and L-arginine together

The combination of magnesium and L-arginine can optimally support sporting performance. 

Take L-arginine and L-carnitine together

According to an American study, men with erectile dysfunction could benefit from the combined administration of L-arginine and L-carnitine.

L-arginine and pine bark extract

L-arginine can also help with erectile dysfunction through its circulation-promoting effect. In combination with the pine bark extract Pycnogenol®, this effect is enhanced even more – an optimal combination.

Frequently asked questions about L-arginine

The vasodilatory effect allows it to regulate blood pressure, support muscle growth and support sexual health.

It promotes blood flow and can therefore have a positive effect on muscle growth, blood pressure and also sexual health. For this purpose, it improves performance during periods of intensive training.

L-arginine can be taken at any time of day. For optimal strength training, take it 30 minutes before your workout. If you have a sensitive stomach, it may be useful to take it directly after a meal.

L-arginine should never be taken without medical advice in the case of cardiovascular diseases, since interactions with antihypertensive agents and blood thinners have been known to occur. Anyone who has already suffered a heart attack should completely refrain from using it.

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