
Want to learn more about BIOGENA and the multifaceted world of micronutrients and expand your health knowledge? In our blog, you will not only find exciting contributions to the topic of vitamins and minerals, etc., we will also keep you informed on an ongoing basis about the latest news from research and summarise study results briefly and comprehensibly.


What skin type are you?

The skin is our largest sensory organ and needs sufficient protection from the sun, especially in summer. But how much sun is actually healthy for my own skin and which sun protection factor is best for me?
Natural skin protection: This is how you prepare yourself from the inside against sunshine and UV radiation

Natural skin protection: This is how you prepare yourself from the inside against sunshine and UV radiation

For many people, sun-tanned skin is THE sign of summer and holidays. This makes it all the more important to optimally protect our skin from UV-induced damage such as sunburn and premature skin ageing. We can do this with good care and the right sun...

Biotin (Vitamin H) – for hair and skin

Biotin for skin and hair: A question of beauty. When it comes to nutritive care, biotin is simply a must. But what is biotin, which essential role does this water-soluble vitamin play and where is it contained?In this article you will learn...

Brittle nails, ridges & white spots - the causes of nail changes

Well-groomed, beautiful fingernails are every person’s calling card. White spots, grooves, or brittle nails do not make a good first impression. There are various reasons for these unsightly spots or deformations. In this short nail primer,...
Thin, weak hair - what you can do to support your hair health

Thin, weak hair - what you can do to support your hair health

No matter how you twist and turn your hair, it’s part of you from root to tip. All the more reason why dull, weak, or thinning hair can lower our self-confidence.

Acne: What exactly is this and what can be used for it?

It accompanies you to the school ball, smiles happily in the class photo, packs its bags too for holiday camp: acne, which makes its presence felt for most teenagers during puberty. However, the mere fact that it is so widespread doesn’t mean that...
Gut skin axis: How skin and gut health are connected

Gut skin axis: How skin and gut health are connected

What do your intestines and your skin have in common? A lot. Although invisible to the naked eye, a look under the microscope reveals that both tissues are home to astonishing flora. With around one billion microorganisms per gram of intestinal...

Spring fatigue - what's it all about?

Spring at last! While some people are full of energy, others are afflicted by the notorious spring fatigue. But what is behind this slump in form - and what do our cells need so that we can enjoy this season full of energy?

Black caraway oil: Plant power with scientific backbone

Caraway, cumin (jeera), black caraway (Nigella) seed. What sounds confusingly similar in the German language differs from a botanical perspective. While all three named agents “bring spice into our lives” as spices, the traditional herbal...
Allergies - causes and natural remedies

Allergies - causes and natural remedies

Sneezing, colds, itching. If the body’s defences are launching bombs and grenades at something completely harmless, we could be in the middle of an allergy – including collateral damage. But what exactly is an allergy? And what are its causes?
Magnesium takes the wind out of the sails of high blood pressure

Magnesium takes the wind out of the sails of high blood pressure

High blood pressure (hypertension) is widespread. Nevertheless, many people only learn about their disease by chance. High blood pressure is not painful. In fact, just the opposite! Many sufferers even feel full of energy and fit. Nonetheless, the...

Blood pressure: Natural support tips

Do you already know your blood pressure? If not, you should have it checked as soon as possible. Because half of all people with high blood pressure are unaware of their silent condition. We show you which values are normal and how you can support...