5 micronutrients and plant substances to improve your sexual well-being

Whether you're looking to improve libido, optimize fertility, or increase energy levels, sexual well-being is an essential component of overall balance. Here are the natural ingredients and micronutrients recognized as powerful allies for everyone's sexual well-being.
1. Vitamins B6, B12, and C: Energy, Fertility, and Libido
Vitamin B6 is essential for regulating sex hormones, as it contributes to the synthesis of serotonin and dopamine, neurotransmitters that influence desire and mood.
Vitamin B12 improves blood circulation and is essential for proper erectile function and sperm vitality.
Finally, Vitamin C protects sperm cells from oxidative stress and enhances their motility. It promotes vasodilation and improves blood flow to the genitals, positively impacting libido and sexual response.
2. Zinc to Stimulate Hormonal Function
In men, zinc contributes to testosterone production and improves sperm quality by increasing sperm count and motility. In women, it is essential for supporting egg maturation, regulating ovulation, and balancing the menstrual cycle.
3. Damiana Extract: Natural Aphrodisiac and Sexual Tonic
Damiana (Turnera diffusa) is an aphrodisiac plant that enhances sexual desire by increasing blood circulation to the genitals, thereby improving erectile function and arousal. You can incorporate damiana extract into your daily routine with JUNO®, BIOGENA’s supplement rich in zinc, vitamins, and other plant extracts that support female fertility and libido.
4. Maritime Pine Bark Extract: Circulation and Erectile Function
Maritime pine bark extract (Pinus pinaster), thanks to its proanthocyanidins—powerful antioxidants that support normal blood flow—improves circulation to the genitals, thereby enhancing erectile function in men and increasing sexual response in women. This extract is also one of the key ingredients in JUNO® or can be taken directly through Pycnogenol.
5. Energy and Libido: Maca, Ginseng, and Guarana Extracts:
Maca is a root from Peru known for its adaptogenic and energizing effects, as well as its ability to stimulate libido in both men and women. It also enhances physical endurance and sperm quality.
Ginseng, one of the most powerful natural stimulants, is renowned for improving erectile function and sexual stamina.
Guarana, rich in caffeine and other bioactive compounds, boosts energy, reduces mental and physical fatigue, and enhances sexual performance and desire.
To incorporate them into your diet, try Maca Energy, a supplement with high-quality plant extracts designed to support physical and mental vitality, energy, and drive.