
Why am I constantly tired?

from Mag. Margit Weichselbraun
on 28.10.2021

“Wakey, wakey Sleeping Beauty! A new day is waiting for you!” Despite the loving wake-up call, you can hardly manage to crawl out of bed. You’re tired, you drag yourself to the coffee machine to try and shake up your mind that’s still in bed. But even after two coffees and many activities later you still can't get into gear. Why is it that you constantly feel tired? Here is our eye opener.

 Why am I always tired?

You are not the only one to ask this question. According to a study, about a third of all adolescents, adults and elderly feel fatigued. If you suffer from this problem, it is a good thing to first of all examine your own sleep quality and quantity. Do you get the hours of sleep you need every day? Some people feel comfortable with seven hours, others require at least nine hours of sleep. And what about your sleeping environment and your sleep hygiene?  Because it is only when our sleep is restful that our batteries can be recharged effectively for the next adventure.

However, questions that are obvious do not necessarily provide us with satisfactory answers. This is also the case here. After all, continuous fatigue cannot always be explained via sleep.

What is the body lacking in the case of constant fatigue?


Fatigue is often an indication that the body is lacking something. A lack of light, sleep, oxygen, fluid, movement, micronutrients or quite simply recovery time, literally makes us yawn. The latter is often based on an imbalance between tension and relaxation phases. It is not for nothing that one of the biggest energy consumers nowadays is known as “continuous stress”. This depletes our batteries and leaves us worn out over a shorter or longer period of time. Fatigue can also be due to an imbalance in the serotonin/melatonin balance. This phenomenon can be observed primarily on dull winter days with little light, during which greater quantities of melatonin (sleep hormone) circulate in the blood during the day. And because they are tired during the day, many people cannot sleep well at night.

While short periods of fatigue are normal and are part of life, constant fatigue should not be brushed over. After all, a healthy body, which is not lacking in anything, is generally not permanently tired. With the help of a doctor, it is possible to get to the bottom of the physical and mental causes behind the energy gap.

Lecithin B-complex

Including all vitamins of the B complex, valuable lecithin derived from the sunflower and sunflower oil

Lecithin B-Komplex
Lecithin B-Komplex

What should you do if you are always tired?

1.      Micronutrients for the body's own power plant. Those whose micronutrient supplies are well stocked can take full advantage of life. Sufficient quantities of certain micronutrients are required to ensure that our body's own "power plant" runs like clockwork. These include, for example, certain B vitamins (B12, B2, B6, niacin, pantothenic acid), vitamin C, iron and also magnesium. These micronutrients not only contribute to the normal energy metabolism, they also contribute to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue. Advocates of plant preparations also find their energy supplies in the plant world. For example, extracts from ginseng and guarana help you to regain your fitness by contributing to physical and mental performance.

2.      Bathe in the autumn/winter light. Colourful leaves, candlelight, the smell of punch and biscuits. The dark season definitely has its positive sides too. Nevertheless, never-ending fatigue can be a problem for many people during this time and can be attributed to light deficiency and the resulting elevated melatonin level. In order to escape this seasonal tiredness, it is important to recharge your batteries with fresh air and to use the low-level brightness of these days to harmonise your sleep/wakefulness cycle. At the same time, the change of scenery and the crisp, cold air can really put a spring in your step.

Melatonin drops

The consumption of 1 mg Melatonin close to bedtime contributes to the reduction of time taken to fall asleep

Melatonin drops
Melatonin Tropfen

3.       Power away tiredness. It’s a vicious circle. If you have a hard day behind you, you’d prefer to lie on the couch and surf rather than get out for some movement. But those who don’t move get even more listless and tired. Moderate endurance sports break this negative trend, because they act like a breath of fresh air on our body. Sport stimulates our circulation, releases the “happiness hormone” serotonin and combats the stress that consumes our energy. However, you do not necessarily have to endure a sweaty training session. Small bursts of exercise are also sufficient in everyday life. For example, those who cycle to work in the morning or jog to university feel much livelier during the rest of the day. Even carrying out chores on foot or a leisurely evening walk can be a good start for more energy

4.   “Scottish shower” freshness kick. If you want to wash away your tiredness early in the morning while in the shower, you can get a burst of energy with a “Scottish shower”. In this interchangeable shower method, the body is alternately showered with cold (16-18°C), then with warm (38-42°C) water and then again with cold (10-15°C) water, at 30 second intervals, starting as far away from the heart as possible. However, older people or people with heart problems should not plunge straight away into this pleasurable shower experience, but rather consult their doctor beforehand.

5.       Get out of the rat race and into the hammock. In the times of sabre-toothed tigers and clan warfare, stress (also called the fight or flight reaction) was vital for survival. However, many of us today find ourselves in a "chronic stress trap". Over a short period or even a long period of time, the body’s constant readiness to react to an alarm can be exhausting. It is therefore all the more important to treat yourself to more mindfulness. Regular me-time and listening to your inner self should become a personal credo. Conscious breaks for relaxation and rest help us to free ourselves from excessive stress.

6.       Hello social life! People who are constantly tired and stressed often start to retreat into their shell at a social level. But, just as in terms of exercise, the interplay between reduced social life and fatigue is a vicious circle that needs to be broken. Good interpersonal relationships are not only important for mood and well-being, they also work like an invigorating cup of green tea and are at the same time an important weapon in the fight against enervating stress.

7.       Fragrances, oils: Fragrances are not only powerful triggers for awakening bygone memories and emotions in us, they can also be used to activate our circulation. They can also help us to awaken our slumbering spirits. A few drops of the highly concentrated essences are enough for this – but they should be skilfully chosen. Essential oils from rosemary, grapefruit or thyme are excellent for blowing away the cobwebs. These natural helpers in oil burners, diffusers or baths create a pleasant atmosphere and have almost no side effects.

Quick remedy: What do you do in the case of extreme fatigue in the office, etc.?

Eat yourself awake: To stay focused and attentive, we need energy. However, stress in our everyday working life leads to the cancelling of lunch or to unhealthy snacking, resulting in an energy rush that is usually only of short duration. Fruit with cores, seeds or nuts not only provide long-term energy, but also a colourful spectrum of nutrients. “Trail mix” with a high proportion of nuts, vegetable sticks with healthy dips or a slice of wholemeal bread with hummus are a healthy option to fight hunger pangs.

Rinse away tiredness: Drink at least 2 litres daily. Just ensuring our fluid balance on a daily basis can provide more energy and less fatigue.

Goodbye to coffee: Although coffee is considered a stimulant, too much of it can have the opposite effect. Limit your daily coffee consumption to a maximum of four cups and instead turn to a good cup of tea.

1 x fresh air shower: If you briefly poke your nose outside or through the open window and inhale deeply, this supplies the brain with an extra dose of oxygen. After this burst of fresh air, you usually feel like you have been reborn.

Melatonin drops

The consumption of 1 mg Melatonin close to bedtime contributes to the reduction of time taken to fall asleep

Melatonin drops
Melatonin Tropfen

Literature with the author.

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