Häufig gestellte Fragen zum Login

Sie haben Schwierigkeiten beim Login? Hier finden Sie unsere FAQs und Vorschläge zur Fehlerbehebung.

We have switched to a uniform login system at Biogena. This means that you can use your Biogena account to access all of our digital services and channels. If you had different passwords for your email address, you will now be asked to set a new password for all of our channels.

The following applications and channels are currently affected by the login change:

Due to the system changeover for a uniform login, you may need to reset your password. To do so, click on ‘Forgot password’ the next time you log in and follow the instructions. You can then set a new password. With this password, you can use all our channels in the future.

If you have logged in with Google and forgotten your password, you must first change your Google password.

You may be trying to register and an account has already been set up with your email address. Click on ‘Login’ below the input fields and switch to the login screen.

To ensure that the email address provided is actually yours, we will send you a confirmation code. This only needs to be entered once. This code is not required for any further logins.

If you are asked to confirm your email address with a one-time code, you should receive a code at the email address you provided. If you do not find this email in your inbox, please check your spam folder.

Always use the last code you received. The code is valid for 10 minutes. After that, you should request a new code.

To complete the registration, you must accept the terms and conditions on our site.

Your existing profile data will be transferred securely. You may need to reset your password and confirm your email address with a one-time PIN that you will receive by email. If you have provided different email address details on different platforms, you can now standardise your address.

If you don't yet have an account, you can register as usual. Your account will be set up directly as a Biogena Club account and can be used for all of our websites and platforms.

Yes, we have implemented the highest security standards to protect your data.

No. Our login and the associated access to the Biogena Club is and will remain free of charge for you.

If you still have questions or encounter problems with logging in, please contact our customer support directly.