
Natural boosters for your immune system

Michael Wäger Michael Wäger
from Michael Wäger, BSc, MSc
on 15.02.2018

During the winter months, our immune system is severely stressed. The wet and cold season, the dry air in heated rooms and places and the frequent alternation between cosily warm temperatures inside and bitterly cold temperatures outside put a real strain on our body. Moreover, coughing and sneezing crowds transform the hand grips in busses or subways into downright bacterial cultures – a daily challenge for our body’s defences.

If our immune system does cave in, it often has perceptible consequences: You feel week and tired, your head is pounding and your nose keeps running. In order to prevent bacteria and viruses to affect us that easily, many of us count on immune prophylaxis and take a micronutrient supplement. In case you are hoping for a list of “immune classics” such as vitamin C or zinc, you will be disappointed – because there are also impressive natural alternatives. We have collected our insider tips for a powerful immune system for you.

Cat’s claw and tragacanth – the power of nature

Herbal extracts from cat’s claw (Uncaria tomentosa) and tragant (Astragalus membranaceus) still enjoy a niche existence – but they should be more widely known! Savvy herbalists recognised their potential to support the body’s defences centuries ago, especially during the cold, wet season. Although both plants can support the immune system, the extract tragacanth deserves special mention. Tragacanth plays an important role in supporting the body’s natural defence mechanisms. An important example of this is the natural skin barrier, which acts as a “fortification wall”, preventing the penetration of harmful microorganisms from the outside, thus leaving no chance for bacteria, etc. to enter.

Astragalus 300/12
Tragacanth root extract with valuable ingredients: Astragaloside IV & polysaccharides
To the product
Astragalus 300/12 - 120 Kapseln

Lavender - finally being able to breathe freely

The sweet and balsamic scent of the lavender is unmistakeable, calming and has a stress-relieving effect. But is that all? Hardly! In 2018, the „English lavender“ (also called „true lavender“) was named medical plant of the year. It has a strong antibacterial effect and is thus a good remedy when breathing is difficult.

An odour-intensive duo for the immune system: garlic and ginger

Have you eaten too much garlic for dinner? Your colleagues at work will know the next day! But the advantages certainly outweigh that: Garlic has an antioxidant and antibacterial effect and strengthens our immune system effectively – but only if you eat a corresponding amount of it. Garlic extracts in the form of a high-quality micronutrient product are certainly a good alternative to eating a garlic bulb every day. In case you prefer a less smelly experience, ginger is the plant of your choice. Extracts derived from it promote the health of the respiratory tract and are worth their weight in gold – especially during the winter months.

More plant extracts for boosting your body’s defences

Extracts derived from thyme and grapefruit support the microbiological balance of the bowel, rosemary and the bitterns as well as essential oils it contains play an essential role in the immune function of the bowel; furthermore, rosemary has a strong antimicrobial effect. You can find a variety of the plant extracts mentioned above in the specifically developed Biogena products AC7 Komplex or AP Komplex.

So, in a nutshell: If you risk a glance off the beaten track, you will be rewarded with a great multitude of immunoactive plant extracts. They provide us with the necessary resistance for staying healthy – also during this winter!

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