
How to detox your body: detoxification for better health

Camilla Freinek
from Camilla Freinek, BSc MSc
on 16.01.2025
Detoxify the body

The desire for a vital and healthy body is deeply rooted in us. One way to support your own health is to provide targeted support for the body during detoxification. But what does detoxification actually mean, and how can we optimally support our organism in the process? This blog post offers you a comprehensive guide.

Fundamentals of detoxification

Our body is a true miracle that breaks down environmental toxins, metabolic waste products and pollutants on a daily basis. Detoxification involves complex processes in which the liver, kidneys and bowel play a central role. A targeted detoxification programme can help to relieve these organs.

The targeted use of micronutrients and plant extracts in precise dosages can support the metabolism in a variety of ways and help the body's natural regulatory capacity to regain its balance. This concept can also be combined with detoxification therapies to effectively promote the body's detoxification processes. Enzymes help to convert toxic substances and prepare them for excretion.

Body detox: what changes?

A conscious detox can bring about both physical and mental changes. The positive effects include:

Many people report a new sense of lightness and balance after a detox.

Phase I

Phase I of detoxification refers to the first stage of metabolising harmful substances in the liver – it is the body's first line of defence against toxins. In this phase, harmful substances are modified by chemical reactions, for example, substances such as caffeine or alcohol are neutralised. Certain micronutrients such as vitamin B, vitamin C and zinc must be provided because these act as co-factors. The process often produces highly reactive intermediate products that can be potentially toxic. If these phase I by-products accumulate in the liver, they can damage proteins and DNA.

Phase II

In phase II, the intermediate products created in phase I are processed further and made water-soluble in order to facilitate excretion. This step is called conjugation, whereby the metabolites are bound to the body's own substances through various chemical reactions to improve their solubility in water. This allows the now neutralised substances to be excreted through the kidneys or the intestines. Glutathione, sulphate and the amino acid glycine are important molecules that are used as binding partners here.

It is crucial that both phases work in balance. If Phase II activity is insufficient, the toxic Phase I intermediates may remain in the body and cause damage.

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The detox organs – kidneys, intestines and liver

The liver plays a central role in the detoxification process. It filters harmful substances out of the blood and prepares them for excretion. The kidneys are responsible for the elimination of water-soluble substances, while the bowel plays an important role in the excretion of fat-soluble substances via the bile. Support for these organs is therefore essential for effective detoxification.

All information on the topic of liver detox

Role of nutrition in detoxification

The detoxification enzymes of phases I and II depend on sufficient micronutrients being available as co-factors. For example, the detoxification enzyme glutathione peroxidase is less active when the body does not have enough selenium. This can reduce the body's ability to detoxify and lead to higher exposure to pollutants. Equally important are trace elements such as zinc and copper, as well as vitamins B2, B6 and C, which support the detoxification processes at various points.

Nutrition is one of the key components in helping the body to detoxify. Foods such as fresh fruit and vegetables, which are rich in antioxidants, fibre and unsaturated fatty acids, help the body to regenerate.

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Boost your detox with exercise

Regular exercise boosts the metabolism and promotes the excretion of harmful substances through sweat and breath. Light sports such as yoga, Nordic walking or swimming are ideal for supporting the detoxification process without overwhelming the body.

How a body detox works

A typical detox diet lasts between one and four weeks and consists of the following steps:

  • Preparation: no sugar, alcohol or processed foods.
  • Detoxification: light food, lots of fluids and targeted nutritional supplements.
  • Follow-up: a slow return to a balanced diet.

Detox is trending: detoxing your body is very popular

The term ‘detox’ has become increasingly popular in recent years. From detox teas and smoothies to detox retreats, the market is booming. However, it is important to look for quality when choosing products and to remember that a long-term change in diet with a targeted nutrient intake is the key to lasting health.

With a conscious approach to detox and the right knowledge, you can optimally support the detoxification of your body and thus contribute to an increased sense of well-being.

About our detox capsules & powder

Frequently asked questions about how to detox your body:

The body can be supported by a combination of a healthy diet with targeted nutrient intake, sufficient fluids and exercise. Avoiding alcohol, sugar and processed foods, and using natural remedies such as lemon water, ginger tea and alkaline baths can further promote natural detoxification.

The main detoxification organs are the liver, kidneys and intestines. The liver filters harmful substances out of the blood and prepares them for excretion. The kidneys excrete water-soluble substances in the urine, while the intestines ensure the removal of fat-soluble toxins. The skin and lungs also contribute to detoxification by eliminating harmful substances through sweat and breath.

The body detoxifies itself as part of the digestive process. The duration of a detoxification treatment to support the detoxification organs and general health depends on the individual's initial situation and the chosen approach. A targeted detox treatment usually lasts between one and four weeks. However, the first positive effects, such as increased energy and improved well-being, can often be felt after just a few days.


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Hahn, A. et al. Ernährung: Physiologische Grundlagen, Prävention, Therapie, 2. Auflage. Stuttgart: Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart, 2006.

Higdon, J. V. et al. 2007. Cruciferous vegetables and human cancer risk: epidemiologic evidence and mechanistic basis. Pharmacol Res. 55(3):224-36.

Hofmann, T. et al. 2009. Modulation of detoxification enzymes by watercress: in vitro and in vivo investigations in human peripheral blood cells. Eur J Nutr. 48(8):483-91.

Martin, M. 2011. Gesundes Entgiften - Regulationstherapien richtig anwenden. Biogena Inside. 2(1).

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