Frequently asked questions

Here we answer some frequently asked questions. If you have any other questions about our products, please contact our science team.

You can request your password by clicking on “Login/Forgotten your password?”. Please enter the e-mail address you have registered with us and you will receive a link with which you can set a new password.

You can change your personal information in your account. Just login and click on “My personal information” and “My profile”.

As a BIOGENA Club member, you collect bonus points every time you buy BIOGENA products (1 euro = 1 point). You can redeem your loyalty points in your account under "Redeem loyalty points". Please select your desired loyalty point discount there. Your loyalty point discount will then be added to your shopping cart and taken into account when you place your order. Alternatively, you can also redeem your loyalty points in the "Shopping cart" shortly before completing your purchase (Loyalty points arrow > add the desired loyalty points discount to the shopping cart).

If you register when placing your first order (or also later), you become a Club member, receive payback points for each order and enjoy more benefits.