
Resilience: 5 tips to support mental resilience

from Mag. Margit Weichselbraun
on 24.11.2022

Pippi Longstocking, Harry Potter, Cinderella: Stories about resilient characters have a magical attraction for people. Despite all the turmoil, these heroes master insurmountable challenges and emerge even stronger from them – like a phoenix rising from the ashes. But in real life, there are resilient characters who stand on their own two feet and embody a remarkable inner strength and psychological stability. We explore the magic word "resilience" and take a look at the seven keys to wisdom that can make us resilient heroes in our own lives.

What is resilience and what influences it?

Resilience helps us to cope with crises, setbacks or losses and to emerge stronger from stressful situations. This form of mental resilience differs from person to person, but it is not set in stone. According to researchers, the individual capacity for resilience is influenced by various factors: Protective factors include, for example, optimism and self-efficacy – belief in oneself and one’s own abilities; risk factors include problem fixation or psychological problems.

Resilient people cope more easily with difficult or stressful life situations. Whereas some people see themselves on the brink of the precipice and say: "I can't do this any more!", people with resilience show an inner strength. They are deeply rooted in themselves, can handle conflict well and can withstand setbacks. What's more, they grow with the challenges and become even stronger as a result.

Is resilience a strength?

Resilience is a form of inner strength that helps us withstand stress and crises. Resilient people cannot be thrown off track even by strokes of fate, get back on their feet faster and manage their lives like before.

What are the 7 pillars of resilience?

Our personal resilience is influenced by seven abilities that together form the 7 pillars of resilience* (also: resilience factors). The more a person embodies these characteristics, the better his/her individual ability to manage stress and crises.

The Resilience Factor according to American scientists Karen Reivich and Andrew Shatté

1. Acceptance:

Resistant people find it easier to accept that some things in life cannot be changed and even benefit from the given circumstances.

2. Optimism:

With a good dose of optimism, many things are easier in life. This is especially true for difficult situations in life. Resilient people look confidently into the future and believe crises are a state of temporary confusion that can be overcome.

3. Refuse the victim role:

Those who see themselves as victims miss the opportunity to recharge their batteries from setbacks and to pursue goals with renewed strength. Resilient people show a different approach: They believe in themselves and prefer to be active.

4. Solution orientation:

There is a solution for every problem.Resilient people do not focus on their problems, but on possible solutions.

5. Assumption of responsibility:

“Man forges his own destiny” is an old proverb. Resilient people are aware of this fact. They take responsibility for their own life and don’t blame anyone for the situation.

6. Network orientation:

In crises and stressful situations, it is sometimes good to look for support. Resistant people stick to the right people in difficult situations – people who give them courage and support.

7. Future competence:

Resilient people look ahead and set goals for the future. This form of future orientation is a healthy driving force for life. Once they achieve their goals, they gain support and strength for new things.

5 Tips: How can you strengthen your own resilience?

A healthy diet with nutrient-rich fruit and vegetables is good for our immune system. But how do you strengthen your mental defences? 

1. Set goals.

Sort out a drawer, do ten minutes of yoga or drink 1.5 litres of water – anyone who sets small goals every day and achieves them strengthens their belief in themselves and their own resilience.

2. Smile yourself happy.

Smiling is a secret weapon that should not be underestimated. Even if the smile is not genuine, the pretend smile stimulates the emotional centre of our brain – we feel happier and less stressed. So if you have a bad day, you should smile it away. The world may smile back.

3. Connect lovingly.

We human beings are social beings. Contact with loved ones – laughing together, meeting up and exchanging – not only touches our heart, it is also balm for our soul. Those who surround themselves with the right people gain strength and self-confidence and receive good advice.

4. Body & soul food.

A little nap, a walk in the woods, a relaxed bath – mindfulness and regular rest breaks are the apple a day for our mental defences. People who love themselves help reduce their physical and mental stress. In addition, a healthy diet, sufficient sleep and regular exercise also promote our physical and mental health and thus our resilience.

5. If life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

Taking this motto in the broadest sense, we should meet the confusion of life with a good sense of humour and optimism and make the best of every situation. Sometimes a simple change in perspective is enough, because in every crisis there is an opportunity to grow and emerge more strongly from it.

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Antistress Formula® with ginseng root extract, magnesium and B vitamins to support nerve metabolism and concentration, e.g. during stressful situations, and for well-being and performance in times of heightened physical and psychological stress.

Product: Antistress Formula®

Vitamins and minerals: What supports you in times of increased exertion and fatigue?

Whether it’s an uphill struggle or a slide down a slippery slope, vitamins and minerals (micronutrients) accompany us through the thick and thin of life. Those who are well supplied with all the important micronutrients remain productive and are able to meet the daily challenges. Unfortunately, we often indulge in unhealthy fast food and snacks, especially in stressful situations; and a balanced diet goes by the board. Therefore, high-quality dietary supplements in stressful phases can help to fill the gap where valuable vitamins and minerals are concerned.

Mineral substances: make full use of them.

Magnesium is considered a mineral for times of increased stress. It supports the normal functioning of the mind and nerves and contributes to the reduction of fatigue and exhaustion. Potassium is also good in stressful situations. This mineral supports the normal functions of our nervous system and helps maintain normal blood pressure. The two trace elements zinc and selenium are also good companions in times of increased stress. Both help protect the cells from oxidative stress.

B vitamins: a smart choice.

Efunctional energy metabolism and stable nerves are the basis for successfully facing stress and other difficult situations. If good nerves and mental performance are required, B vitamins come into play. This is because vitamins B12, B6, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid and biotin support a normal energy metabolism. Riboflavin, B6, B12, folic acid, pantothenic acid and niacin also contribute to the reduction of fatigue and exhaustion. Thiamine, biotin and niacin also contribute to the normal function of our nervous system. If your hectic everyday life demands mental performance, pantothenic acid is your answer. A sufficient supply of B vitamins is therefore of particular importance, especially in stressful life phases.

Sleep: an underestimated source of more resilience.

Recuperative sleep is used for mental hygiene, allows stress to be processed and supports important learning and adjustment processes. This is why our well-being and performance suffer after a restless night. Adults who specifically want to support their sleep with micronutrients can try special dietary supplements with extracts from the Ashwagandha root or hops, for example. While Ashwagandha supports the period of sleep, hops contribute to normal sleep. Nutrients such as magnesium or vitamin B6, which support the functions of the nervous system, provide a sensible supplement.

Buy ashwagandha

Traditional plant trio for physical and mental vitality.

"A herb grows for everything." We can find what we need in the world of plants when it comes to support in stressful situations. A natural strategy to support personal resilience can be found in, for example, extracts from the maca tuber, the ginseng root and the guarana plant. While maca supports physical and mental performance, ginseng and guarana contribute to mental and physical vitality. Since these three plant extracts complement each other ideally, their combination is particularly advantageous.

Ashwagandha Fusion Complete

Valuable Ashwagandha extract  from the entire withanolide spectrum of the plant

Biogena Ashwagandha Fusion Complete with extracts from ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) can help create the necessary “breathing space” for the body and thus help support the inner balance.

Ashwagandha is a plant adaptogen that contributes to mental and physical well-being in times of increased stress.

Jennifer (40): "Improves sleep and makes daily life more manageable.”

To the Full Spectrum Ashwagandha Complex

Conclusion: Micronutrients are valuable companions and essential tools for the ups and downs in life.

Literature with the author.

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